Note: personally I am not that big into shields, and wish there were boards that had the basic functionality that I want, but when in Rome… Both of these platforms are based on the Arduino Mega footprint… I think it would be a lot of fun to try out several of my robots on these newer platforms, so I thought it would be nice to have a shield that had all of the things I needed and that I could plug into these boards.

Also hopefully soon Arduino will release the Arduino Due, which is a 96mhz 32 bit ARM processor. The boards and IDE make them reasonably compatible with the Arduinos. I have also experimented with the Chipkit boards which are based on an 80mhz 32 bit Pic32MX processor. I like this board as it is compact and not that different in size to the normal Lynxmotion boards. This included the fun with experimenting with a shield for the Arduino Mega, that was built to plug into the Seeeduino Mega.

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